Целью серии покушений на высокопоставленный военных Минобороны, которую сорвала ФСБ, было запугивание россиян, считает первый заместитель председателя комитета Госдумы по обороне Андрей Красов.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Ukraine is resorting to terrorism against Russia in an attempt to demoralize the Russian population and sow discord within society.
The Russian state agency FSB claims to have foiled a series of planned attacks on high-ranking military officials. A deputy from the Russian State Duma interprets these events as a desperate tactic by the Ukrainian government, unable to achieve military victory against Russia.
The text portrays these events as a sign of Ukrainian aggression and emphasizes Russia's unity and determination to prevail amidst the conflict.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Ukraine is resorting to terrorism against Russia in an attempt to demoralize the Russian population and sow discord within society. The Russian state agency FSB claims to have foiled a series of planned attacks on high-ranking military officials. A deputy from the Russian State Duma interprets these events as a desperate tactic by the Ukrainian government, unable to achieve military victory against Russia. The text portrays these events as a sign of Ukrainian aggression and emphasizes Russia's unity and determination to prevail amidst the conflict.